From the man who struggles to grow his crops, to the child who tries to collect water from her broken well, to the woman who breathes in toxic cooking smoke every day, extreme poverty plagues our world. It’s there in the most rural of places to the most industrial of cities. And, it won’t disappear until we revolutionize charity.
That’s where The Adventure Project comes in. We take a different approach to global poverty. While working in developing countries, we heard stories that changed our perspective. People all over the world want one thing.
A good job.
Not handouts.
First, What’s up with Our Name?
We named ourselves The Adventure Project because we liked the play on “add + venture,” since we’re creating jobs that add something positive to the world. But, let’s be honest, this was also an adventure for us.
Why Jobs Matter
Empowering entrepreneurs is the fastest way to eliminate extreme poverty in our lifetime.
So, we started on a journey to create good jobs in developing countries. We provide moms and dads with the tools, resources, and education to become profitable entrepreneurs.
Because when moms and dads have jobs, they can buy nutritious food, send their children to school, and help their communities flourish.
“I am no longer scrambling to provide for my family. I am proud to be a business-woman, farmer, and mother.” – Monika, a farmer in Africa we empowered

Our Targeted Solutions
We focus on the world’s greatest issues affecting people living in poverty: the environment, health, hunger, and water.
After empowering entrepreneurs with tools and resources, we step back and let them step up. These entrepreneurs lead their own communities toward safer environments, improved health, better food, and clean water.
For example, one of the world’s biggest killers is cooking over open fires. Four million people die each year from breathing in toxic cooking smoke while preparing meals.
We teach moms and dads to make and sell charcoal efficient stoves. Both masons and vendors earn commission for every sale. Each stove saves a family 20% of their daily expenses, because they use 50% less charcoal per day.
Added bonus? One stove saves six trees from being turned into charcoal each year and reduces carbon emissions by 1.5 tons.
That’s what we call a win-win.

Our New Adventure
Since 2010, our programs have impacted over a million people with clean water, health care, nutritious food and a safer environment.
We’re proud of that, but we’re onto a bigger adventure. Our goal is to move a million people out of poverty by 2030.
The first step is to create 1,000 jobs in the next year. This means doing what we’ve done in our first six years, in one.
Calling All Trailblazers
We’ve learned, working, works.
We’re looking for trailblazers all over the world—trailblazers who look for new paths, new adventures, and new solutions. Join our solution—the fastest solution— to global poverty and let’s eliminate global poverty in our lifetime.
Join our adventure.
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