Climate Action & Environment · · 4 min read

5 Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

Climate instability and environmental sustainability are top of mind at the moment for many small and large businesses around the world. Innovations in technology have allowed businesses to understand and track their carbon emissions in powerful ways. In turn, that information and data can be used b

Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

Climate instability and environmental sustainability are top of mind at the moment for many small and large businesses around the world. Innovations in technology have allowed businesses to understand and track their carbon emissions in powerful ways.

In turn, that information and data can be used by companies to make smarter and more environmentally sound decisions on product innovations and even everyday business practices.

This is a very promising step in our generations mission to make our planet more sustainable and livable. These innovations and tools have been great for businesses and will only get better, but what about us as individuals?

In this post I wanted to concentrate on individual tools and technologies we call all use in our daily lives to track and offset our own carbon emissions.

At scale, we as individuals have immense power and potential on how we impact the world. From our daily routines, to shopping, to travel, we all play a role in our environments potential and health.

Below are some apps we can use to better understand our environmental impact on the world and how we can offset our carbon emissions on a daily basis.


Klima - Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

With Klima, a carbon neutral life has never been simpler. Calculate your carbon footprint and neutralize 100% of your CO2e emissions in just three minutes. How? By funding science-based climate projects that capture or prevent the same emissions elsewhere. Next, learn how to shrink your own footprint sustainably and watch your positive impact grow.

Earth Hero

Earth Hero App

Earth Hero makes acting on climate change easy. It helps you take positive practical action in response to the climate emergency while discovering more satisfying ways to live. Earth Hero connects you to a global movement rising to the interconnected crises of climate change and rapid species loss.

  • Mobilize with a community of change-makers actively working to address global warming and rapid extinction.
  • Choose from personalized actions in areas such as travel, food, energy, and advocacy.
  • Discover ideas for healthy, smart, satisfying ways to live.
  • Calculate and use the carbon tracker to understand your carbon footprint and changes over time.
  • Compare your emissions reduction with science-based recommendations for a liveable planet.
  • Set your own green goals.
  • Share your actions with others.

Through personal change, collective action, and advocacy, together we can rise to the challenge of our age. Join the movement!


joro - Reduce Carbon Footprint

Track, reduce, and offset the carbon footprint of everything you buy. Tackle climate change as you spend money. Shift your demand away from fossil fuels and decarbonize the economy.

To estimate the footprint of what you buy, Joro’s Carbonizer combines datasets on the carbon intensity of production, transportation, and end-of-life use of over 300 unique spending categories with localized information about you and your lifestyle.

For instance, if you spend $30 at the gas pump, the Carbonizer accounts for the price of gas in your area and the carbon intensity of gasoline to estimate your footprint. The goal isn’t to be 100% accurate. Instead, Joro helps you understand your relatively most important levers for impact.

For instance, instead of comparing the footprint of one brand of beef to another, we reveal that the choice of chicken over beef is the one you should be relatively more focused on.


Aerial - Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

Aerial is the easiest, most accurate way to manage your carbon footprint and sustainable lifestyle. We automatically track your emissions, give you an effortless way to offset them, and offer exclusive insights into how you can live sustainably.

How it works:

Track Your Carbon Footprint

It accurately calculate’s how much carbon you emit from flights, rideshare, and rail. Support for more emissions sources coming soon.

Offset Your Emissions with our Climate Subscription

By contributing to verified forest conservation projects and innovative carbon capture initiatives, you help balance your emissions.

Make an Impact

Compete with friends to save trees and help the planet.

Get Informed

Gain actionable climate insights from our exclusive content in the Discover tab. New climate action Stories have been added.


Capture - Apps That Help You Track and Offset Your Carbon Emissions

Capture is a carbon footprint tracker that helps you learn more about your carbon emissions and carbon footprint from your daily lifestyle. Capture can help you towards achieving a sustainable lifestyle, whether through sustainable travel, reducing your dietary carbon footprint, or removing CO2 by offsetting the CO2 emissions you can’t avoid.

There are many categories of life where our daily actions result in CO2 emissions, and Capture is starting with helping you to reduce carbon emissions from everyday travel choices.

Whether you’re taking a car, bus, plane, or bicycle, Capture will use GPS information to predict CO2 emissions & give you insights into your Carbon footprint; eventually using this information to carbon compensate with carbon offsetting.

The app is available to use in over 100 countries – download Capture and start tracking, reducing and removing CO2 emissions today.

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