Workplace Innovations · · 6 min read

10 Top Corporate Social Responsibility Jobs: Responsibilities and Requirements

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) jobs have emerged as vital career options in today’s business landscape, reflecting the growing emphasis on social and environmental sustainability.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) jobs have emerged as vital career options in today’s business landscape, reflecting the growing emphasis on social and environmental sustainability.

These roles enable professionals to combine their skills and passion for positive change, contributing to the betterment of society while working within organizations.

LinkedIn’s Emerging Jobs Report identified Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Specialists as one of the top emerging job roles, indicating a growing demand for professionals with expertise in sustainability practices.

CSR jobs encompass a wide range of roles, from managers who develop and implement sustainability strategies to analysts who measure the impact of corporate initiatives.

With increasing recognition of the importance of responsible business practices, CSR jobs offer fulfilling opportunities to make a meaningful difference and drive positive social and environmental outcomes.

In this post, we will explore the diverse and impactful world of corporate social responsibility jobs, shedding light on their significance, responsibilities, and requirements.

Top Corporate Social Responsibility Jobs

CSR Manager

As a CSR Manager, you will be responsible for developing and implementing the company’s CSR strategy and initiatives. This role requires a deep understanding of sustainability issues and the ability to align the company’s goals with societal needs.


  • Crafting and implementing CSR policies and programs.
  • Engaging with internal stakeholders to drive CSR initiatives.
  • Monitoring and reporting on the company’s CSR performance.
  • Collaborating with external organizations and NGOs.
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field such as sustainability, business administration, or social sciences.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.
  • In-depth knowledge of CSR frameworks and standards.
  • Experience in project management and stakeholder engagement.

Sustainability Analyst

Corporate Social Responsibility Jobs - Sustainability Analyst

Sustainability Analysts play a crucial role in assessing and monitoring an organization’s environmental and social impact. They analyze data, identify opportunities for improvement, and provide recommendations to enhance sustainability practices.


  • Conducting sustainability assessments and audits.
  • Analyzing data related to energy consumption, waste management, and carbon emissions.
  • Identifying areas for improvement and proposing sustainable solutions.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to implement sustainability initiatives.
  • Monitoring and reporting on sustainability performance.


  • A degree in environmental science, sustainability, or a related field.
  • Proficiency in data analysis and reporting tools.
  • Familiarity with sustainability reporting frameworks (e.g., GRI, SASB).
  • Strong research and problem-solving skills.
  • Knowledge of current sustainability trends and best practices.

Corporate Philanthropy Manager

Corporate Philanthropy Managers oversee a company’s charitable giving initiatives and develop partnerships with nonprofit organizations. They identify community needs, manage donations, and drive impactful social programs.


  • Developing and implementing corporate philanthropy strategies.
  • Assessing community needs and identifying suitable nonprofit partners.
  • Managing donations, sponsorships, and grants.
  • Building and maintaining relationships with nonprofit organizations.
  • Measuring the impact of philanthropic efforts.


  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in nonprofit management, philanthropy, or a related field.
  • Strong understanding of social issues and nonprofit sector dynamics.
  • Excellent relationship-building and negotiation skills.
  • Project management experience.
  • Ability to assess and measure the impact of philanthropic programs.

Environmental Compliance Officer

Environmental Compliance Officer

Environmental Compliance Officers ensure that companies adhere to environmental regulations and minimize their ecological footprint. They assess compliance, develop environmental management systems, and promote sustainable practices within the organization.


  • Ensuring compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
  • Conducting audits to assess environmental performance.
  • Developing and implementing environmental management systems.
  • Identifying and mitigating environmental risks.
  • Providing training and guidance on sustainable practices.


  • A degree in environmental science, environmental engineering, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of environmental regulations and standards.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent attention to detail.
  • Experience in environmental auditing or compliance.

Supply Chain Sustainability Manager

Sustainability Communications Managers are responsible for effectively communicating an organization’s sustainability initiatives and achievements to both internal and external stakeholders.

They develop communication strategies, create content for sustainability reports, manage social media platforms, and coordinate public relations efforts related to CSR. These professionals play a crucial role in enhancing the organization’s reputation and engaging stakeholders in sustainability initiatives.


  • Assessing and improving the sustainability practices within the supply chain.
  • Conducting supplier audits to ensure ethical sourcing and compliance.
  • Developing and implementing sustainable procurement policies and practices.
  • Collaborating with suppliers and stakeholders to drive sustainability initiatives.
  • Monitoring and reporting on supply chain sustainability performance.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in supply chain management, sustainability, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of sustainability principles and supply chain management.
  • Experience in conducting supplier audits and implementing sustainable procurement practices.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to collaborate and engage with diverse stakeholders.

Ethical Investment Analyst

Ethical Investment Analysts assess the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of companies to guide investment decisions.

They conduct research, evaluate corporate practices, and provide recommendations to investors interested in aligning their portfolios with sustainability goals.

These professionals analyze ESG data, engage with companies, and help shape responsible investment strategies.


  • Conducting research and analysis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of companies.
  • Assessing and evaluating corporate practices related to sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Providing recommendations and insights to investors on responsible investment opportunities.
  • Engaging with companies and stakeholders to promote ESG practices.
  • Monitoring and reporting on ESG trends and developments.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance, economics, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of sustainable investing principles and ESG frameworks.
  • Proficiency in financial analysis and research.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Familiarity with relevant investment regulations and standards.

Corporate Volunteer Program Manager

Corporate Volunteer Program Managers oversee volunteer programs within companies, facilitating employee engagement in community service and philanthropic activities.

They collaborate with nonprofits, organize volunteer events, and develop initiatives that align with the company’s CSR objectives.

These managers also measure the impact of volunteer programs and create opportunities for employees to contribute their skills and expertise.


  • Developing and managing corporate volunteer programs.
  • Collaborating with nonprofit organizations to identify volunteer opportunities.
  • Organizing and coordinating volunteer events and initiatives.
  • Engaging and motivating employees to participate in community service.
  • Measuring and reporting on the impact of volunteer programs.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work, nonprofit management, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of community service and volunteer management.
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills.
  • Experience in program development and project management.
  • Ability to work with diverse stakeholders and engage employees.

Social Impact Consultant

Social Impact Consultants work with organizations to design and implement impactful CSR strategies and initiatives.

They assess social and environmental challenges, develop sustainable business models, and provide guidance on integrating CSR into core business operations.

These consultants often collaborate with stakeholders, conduct research, and help organizations measure the outcomes and impact of their social initiatives.


  • Assessing social and environmental challenges and opportunities for organizations.
  • Designing and implementing CSR strategies and initiatives.
  • Conducting research and analysis to inform sustainability and social impact efforts.
  • Providing guidance on integrating CSR into business operations.
  • Measuring and reporting on the outcomes and impact of CSR programs.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration, sustainability, or a related field.
  • Experience in consulting or advisory roles focused on sustainability or CSR.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication and presentation abilities.
  • Knowledge of CSR frameworks, trends, and best practices.

Sustainability Communications Manager

Sustainability Communications Managers are responsible for effectively communicating an organization’s sustainability initiatives and achievements to both internal and external stakeholders.

They develop communication strategies, create content for sustainability reports, manage social media platforms, and coordinate public relations efforts related to CSR.

These professionals play a crucial role in enhancing the organization’s reputation and engaging stakeholders in sustainability initiatives.


  • Developing and implementing communication strategies for sustainability initiatives.
  • Creating content for sustainability reports, websites, and other communication channels.
  • Managing social media platforms and digital communication related to CSR.
  • Coordinating public relations efforts and media relations for sustainability initiatives.
  • Engaging with internal and external stakeholders to communicate sustainability efforts effectively.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in communications, marketing, or a related field.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong understanding of sustainability principles and practices.
  • Experience in communications, public relations, or marketing.
  • Familiarity with digital communication tools and platforms.

Impact Measurement and Evaluation Specialist

Impact Measurement and Evaluation Specialists assess and measure the social and environmental impact of an organization’s CSR programs and initiatives. They design evaluation frameworks, collect and analyze data, and provide insights on the effectiveness and outcomes of these initiatives.

These specialists help organizations understand the tangible impact of their efforts, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to maximize their social and environmental contributions.


  • Designing and implementing evaluation frameworks to measure the impact of CSR initiatives.
  • Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data related to social and environmental impact.
  • Providing insights and recommendations based on impact evaluation findings.
  • Collaborating with internal teams to improve CSR program effectiveness.
  • Reporting on impact measurement and evaluation to stakeholders.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in social sciences, statistics, or a related field.
  • Strong quantitative and qualitative research skills.
  • Proficiency in data collection and analysis tools.
  • Understanding of impact measurement methodologies and evaluation techniques.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities.

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