Fast Fashion burns new unsold clothes. We can stop this together at the first ever Impact Shopping Week between Sept 19th and 23rd. Join the movement and spread the word!
Why would we invite you to shop more? For conscious consumers this would be counter-intuitive, right?
We usually ask you to look in your own closet, recycle, repurpose, refurbish, thrift and lastly to buy from sustainable brands. But are these our only options? What would happen if nothing truly new was bought?
Fashion is not merely about material goods. It is the fullness and freedom of our expression of ourselves, it is our means of communication with the world about who we are. We cannot simply give up on it.
What if there was a new way of shopping and creating new fashion, RESPONSIBLY AND GUILT-FREE?
Let’s unite in fighting our ‘mutual enemies’ – over consumption and over production.
Collectively, we can address the fact that 30% of all fashion remains unsold – and goes straight to the landfill.
Things that are produced, shipped, stocked in stores… to never be worn or used by anyone.
As a team of idealists, we invite you to change your shopping habits – from impulse to Impact – focusing on preempting waste of unsold goods and saving natural resources. HELP US STOP BURNING NEW CLOTHES!
The idea is simple: if we shop collectively BEFORE fashion is made, we can push the manufacturers to produce ONLY the goods that we want, and weed out those that we don’t.
We have a chance to vote with our wallets and help make good brands even more efficient and sustainable. Together – as a society, as consumers – we can make a huge impact.

Discover the trailblazers: brands sponsoring this innovative new way to shop sustainably! Impact Shopping Week is being kicked off by eco-friendly denim brand TRIARCHY, consciously crafted jewelry by ASTOR & ORION, sustainable men’s fashion by VUSTRA, along with other eco-conscious sustainable brands that let YOU control what is hot and what gets dropped.
They are enabling shoppers to make an impact before a single stitch is sewn. When we wear designs that succeed in the process, we feel the positive impact of our choices. Our choices make a difference – simply by doing what we love: shopping!
On the Impact Shopping platform, created by Sangrove®, the amazing people behind these exceptional brands are willing to let go and give control of the story to you, to us.
This may mean that a design never makes it to production. Because we don’t want it. Or, it could mean that it is a screaming success, and we launch it into the stratosphere.
In either case it’s win-win-win, putting you in control, helping brands get smarter, and helping the planet by reducing waste. In the end, the impact that we make collectively – as consumers and brands – is measured as a reduction in carbon footprint and recorded on the blockchain to avert greenwashing.
Meet the creators of Impact Shopping Week:
Sangrove, the minds and technology behind the scenes that get to the root of overproduction. Sangrove’s scaled up made-to-order technology enables, measures and communicates the impact that we create when shopping.
Eco-Stylist, your go-to source for sustainable fashion, with a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable clothing by cultivating a community of brands you can trust.
With the marketing support of Good On You, the world’s leading source for sustainable fashion and a community of over 1M+ conscious consumers, backed by Emma Watson.
Join us for the first Impact Shopping Week, September 19th – 23rd
Interested in learning more about ethical fashion and sustainable startups? Check out the Disruptors for GOOD podcast.