Interviews · · 2 min read

The NOVICA Impact Marketplace has Deployed Nearly $100 Million to Artisans Around the World

In episode 38 of the Disruptors for GOOD podcast, I speak with Roberto Milk, the Co-founder and CEO of NOVICA, on creating the world’s largest social impact marketplace. To date, customers have helped send nearly $100 million to artisans around the world, and counting! Listen to other episodes here.

The NOVICA Impact Marketplace has Deployed Nearly $100 Million to Artisans Around the World

In episode 38 of the Disruptors for GOOD podcast, I speak with Roberto Milk, the Co-founder and CEO of NOVICA, on creating the world’s largest social impact marketplace. To date, customers have helped send nearly $100 million to artisans around the world, and counting!

Listen to other episodes here.

NOVICA started with a dream to create a better world for artisans. Along the way, the team discovered something very important – as artisans around the world succeeded, there was also a visible and profound impact on the communities around them.

Your purchases are that powerful.

They directly and indirectly provide for education, help with health care, fund basic needs, support children, preserve disappearing arts, and of course, spread happiness around the world.

The marketplace features the works of more than 20,000 artisans for sale, improving the economic prospects of artists in some of the world’s most remote areas.

Showcasing their products on NOVICA, offers artisans fair prices, no binding contracts and the freedom to make a success of their craft by building a sustainable business.

The NOVICA Impact Marketplace has Deployed Nearly $100 Million to Artisans Around the World - Roberto Milk - Founder
Roberto Milk – Co-founder and CEO of NOVICA

Through a successful microcredit partnership with Kiva, NOVICA also gives artisans access to no interest microcredit loans that help build their businesses, allowing them to purchase materials, supplies and even get assistance to support their growing businesses. Artisans through NOVICA, have already earned nearly $100 million in funds by selling on Roberto and his team are building a global infrastructure that will increase that number to $1 billion.

According to the United Nations Development Programme, artisan activity is the second-largest employer in the developing world behind agriculture. NOVICA has empowered global artisans through greater access to international customers, freedom to set their own prices, and the ability to focus on their craft, creating a visible and profound impact on the communities around them. For this work and more, Roberto has been selected as the 2020 YPO Global Impact regional honoree for the Pacific U.S.

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