Natural capital is the world’s stock of natural resources, which includes geology, soils, air, water and all living organisms. Some natural capital assets provide people with free goods and services, often called ecosystem services. All of these underpin our economy and society, and thus make human life possible.
- Examples of Natural Capital
- The Value of Natural Capital
- Natural Capital Economics
- The Challenge of Protecting Natural Capital
- Recognizing and Measuring Natural Capital
- Preserving and Restoring Natural Capital
- The Role of Individuals and Communities
Examples of Natural Capital
Some examples include:
- Water: Water is essential for life, and it also provides a variety of other services, such as transportation, recreation, and waste disposal.
- Soil: Soil is a vital part of the Earth’s ecosystem, and it provides a number of important services, such as supporting plant growth, filtering water, and storing carbon.
- Forests: Forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services, such as timber, food, water, and recreation. They also play an important role in regulating the climate.
- Marine ecosystems: Marine ecosystems provide a variety of important services, such as food, tourism, and coastal protection. They also play an important role in regulating the climate.
The Value of Natural Capital
Natural capital is essential to the functioning of our economy and society. It provides us with the goods and services we need to survive and thrive.
For example, water is essential for agriculture, which in turn provides us with food.
Forests provide us with timber, which is used to build homes and furniture. And marine ecosystems provide us with food, such as fish and shellfish.
In addition to providing us with goods and services, natural capital also helps to regulate the climate. Forests, for example, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate climate change.
Natural Capital Economics

Natural Capital economics is a framework that seeks to account for the economic value of natural resources and ecosystem services that nature provides. It is an extension of the traditional economic perspective that emphasizes the importance of including natural resources and environmental services into economic decision-making processes.
- Valuation: Natural Capital economists seek to assign monetary values to various ecosystem services and natural resources. This involves quantifying the benefits these resources provide to society in economic terms. The goal is to make the invisible value of nature more apparent and to incorporate it into the decision-making process.
- Sustainability: By considering the long-term impacts of resource use, policymakers and businesses can make decisions that ensure the continued availability of these resources for future generations.
- Externalities: Externalities occur when the costs or benefits of an economic activity are not fully reflected in the market price. For example, the negative environmental impacts of industrial pollution are often not factored into the costs of production, leading to an overuse of natural resources.
- Green Accounting: Green accounting involves integrating natural resource and environmental data into traditional economic accounts, such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This enables policymakers to track the depletion or enhancement of natural resources over time and helps in making informed decisions about economic development and conservation.
- Inclusive Wealth: Natural Capital economics advocates for considering the overall wealth of a nation or society, including manufactured capital (e.g., infrastructure), human capital (e.g., education and skills), and natural capital. By measuring and managing inclusive wealth, countries can better understand their economic performance in a broader context.
The Challenge of Protecting Natural Capital
Natural capital is under increasing pressure from human activities. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change are all taking a toll on our natural resources. As a result, we are seeing a decline in the availability of ecosystem services.
For example, the decline of coral reefs is threatening the livelihoods of millions of people who rely on them for food and income. And the loss of forests is leading to an increase in flooding and erosion.
Recognizing and Measuring Natural Capital
To effectively manage and protect these resources, it is essential to recognize and measure its value. Traditional economic systems have often failed to account for the true value of natural capital, leading to its under-appreciation and mismanagement.
However, advancements in ecological economics and environmental accounting are providing new frameworks and tools to assess and incorporate the value of natural capital into decision-making processes.
One such approach is the concept of natural capital accounting, which seeks to assign monetary value to natural resources and ecosystem services.
By quantifying the economic benefits provided by natural capital, policymakers, businesses, and communities can make informed choices that consider the long-term sustainability and preservation of these valuable assets.
Preserving and Restoring Natural Capital
Given the urgent need to safeguard our resources, conservation and restoration efforts have gained increasing importance worldwide.
Conservation initiatives focus on protecting and managing critical ecosystems, conserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainable practices in industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and forestry.
Additionally, efforts to restore damaged ecosystems, such as reforestation and wetland restoration, are gaining momentum to recover the lost natural capital and enhance the resilience of ecosystems.
The Role of Individuals and Communities
While governments and businesses play a significant role in natural capital preservation, individual actions also matter.
By making conscious choices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, supporting sustainable products, and advocating for responsible policies, individuals can contribute to the protection and restoration of natural capital.
Furthermore, raising awareness about the importance of natural capital within communities can foster a collective effort towards sustainable practices and the preservation of our planet’s wealth.
Natural capital represents the true wealth of our planet. It encompasses the diverse ecosystems and resources that sustain life and provide essential services to humanity.
Understanding, valuing, and preserving natural capital is paramount for the long-term well-being of both the environment and society.
By recognizing the significance and taking collective action, we can pave the way for a sustainable future that balances economic development with the conservation of Earth’s invaluable resources.